Office Fit Out Ideas for Reception

In any office or corporate environment the reception area represents the face of the brand and company. A gloomy, clumsy unattractive looking reception can set a mood that is detrimental to the business. On the other hand a well lit, spacious reception with plush sitting accommodation and a strong brand impact is sure to uplift everyone’s mood and energy to a positive level. Office fit out ideas of reception area must correspond to the overall aesthetic interior attributes befitting to the brand image and functional aspects. Let us look at some of these ideas corresponding to different types of office fit outs for reception.


It must be impressive



Reception area in any office is the place that is most visited by the strangers, outsiders, clients, customers, prospective interviewees and all those people who happen to come to your office for different short-lived reasons. But for a significant majority of all these people and even for the employees who work inside, an impressive look of the plush reception area is really important. For clients and business associates it is a token of your prosperity and strength as a brand. For people coming to interview it is more of a promise of prosperity. For employees and managers it is about regaining confidence. So the interior design with its appealing and smarter look appearing as impressive is the very basic of office fit out.


It must have a strong brand presence




Your reception is the best place to introduce your clientele and customers with the strength and dominance of your brand. A layout of the interior design pertaining to the reception area must present your brand name. It represents preferably the vision and values of the company with a stronger note. Actually a good reception design can take advantage of incorporating brand value in producing a smarter look. Just think of making a reception desk that is exactly shaped imitating your company logo. A superb reception desk must incorporate such innovative idea to let the brand image stand clear and aesthetic.


It must be relaxing with plush sitting arrangements




It is rather a too important functional aspect of any reception area. Reception is the place where clients, customers, business associates and interviewees may have to wait some time before they are attended by the respective personnel. So it needs a comfortable, plush and elegant looking sitting arrangement that perfectly accommodates these people. Comfort along with style and elegance should dominate this particular area of office fit out.


It must have a beautiful outside view



Just think of a wide open reception with wall to wall glass through which you can look over the sprawling city skyline from high above in a multistory or think of reception area sitting where you can have a look over the busiest city streets in their entire colour.


Werken has family owned and operated office furniture business. Yes an open wide view facing the reception is something that more than any other design or space management attribute can truly make your office look elegant and gorgeous and is one of the indispensable office fit out ideas of reception. 

  • May 28, 2019
  • Category: News
  • Comments: 0